Thursday, March 31, 2016

So....What Exactly is Glass?

Look around you.  I am willing to bet that unless you are in a storm cellar or bank vault you can see some glass from wherever are sitting or standing.  Either in the windows around you, the table top where your laptop is, the globes on the light above you, or the martini glass you are drinking from as you read. So, what is glass?

Crazy as it may sound, glass is made out of sand!!
(Photo courtesy of pixabay. com)

 Take a little ordinary sand from your kids’ sand box, mix it with some soda ash (sodium carbonate) and some lime (calcium carbonate) . Stir it all together then heat the mixture to 3090 degrees for about 10 hours, and, Voila!
(photo courtesy of via
You will have molten bright orange glass!  From this point, any number of processes can take place to create endless glass shapes for function or for art.

(photo courtesy of

Stay tuned for future blogs about what fabulous things you can do with glass while it is still molten and the after it is made into sheet glass!!!!

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